Studies show visual images tend to imprint meanings into our memories more efficiently — more permanently — than verbal communication alone.
How to combine the two?
Collaborating with a team of extraordinary illustrators from The Value Web, our artists chronicle hundreds of substantive exchanges between presenters and attendees in large conferences and smaller executive sessions. Scribes create a visual compilation of useful, informational “bullet points” and key takeaways for all participants. These professional notes are a vital record of what takes place.
Left: Scribe chronicles live interviews with Fortune editor-at-large Pattie Sellers on stage at the Fortune Magazine's Most Powerful Women Summit in Dana Point, California.
FORTUNE MPW Summit started as a list, and evolved into the world's most extraordinary leadership community. The event attracts newsmakers and personalities from business, philanthropy, education and the arts. The program features one-on-one interviews, breakout sessions and high-level networking. Recent summits included tennis great Billy Jean KIng, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, philanthropist Melinda Gates, and business mogul Warren Buffett.
Professional scribes have an uncanny, instinctive gift: they can listen to a complex series of ideas and break them down to their essence. Amazingly, they are simutaneously interpreting those ideas into visual cues -- simple marks, symbols and sketches that represent the message as a whole. If you haven't seen them work, it will blow your mind. Here, our team of artists chronicles "The Hidden Brain Drain" Conference sponsored by The Center for Talent Innovation, at Lincoln Center, New York.
Typically, we interview and visually record conversations ranging from the global economy, terrorism, reforms in education, and world hunger. Depending on the need, scribes can document during a general session, or, in a follow up interview with the expert. Typically, the content scribes extract is dispersed digitally or may be published in book form. Above, Melinda Gates speaks with Fortune editor at large, Pattie Sellers as scribe Sita Magnuson notes the conversation.