Left: Lonnie Lardner with billionare entrepreneur Warren Buffett.
Each year, FORTUNE Magazine invites the world's most celebrated C-suiters to a conference addressing global, political, philanthropic, and national security issues. This one was held in Laguna Beach, California. Deloitte US sponsored an off-stage interview with Lonnie and Buffett, where the superstar financial advisor sketched a colorful, bleak economic forecast for the coming year. His words proved to be prophetic.
This particular year, FORTUNE and Deloitte US sponsored a creative exercise where 300 women visually matched their own stories with eight international icons of business, politics and pop culture in Dana Point, California. The newsmakers included Maya Angelou, J.K. Rowling, and Benazir Bhutto. Each guest shared a story of how they were connected, and the effect they had on their life and career paths.
There's a reason GE consistently earns the title of "Most Innovative Company" each year. The world's largest industrial corporation inspires its leaders with extraordinary hands-on experiences in disparate fields. Creative Voltage had the privilege of working with several levels of GE management, cultivating creative and artistic thought for efficient business solutions.